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We offer announced courses in:

  • Management/Organizational Development
  • Communication skills
  • People skills

1.  Management/Organizational Development

Good management skills are perquisite to an organization’s success. Our Organizational Development courses cover the necessary management skills for improving organization’s performance. We offer the following courses:

  • Leadership skills

Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people towards a common goal. By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

    • Define what leadership is and how it is applied at all levels of organizational Management.
    • Understand the basics of leadership and motivation.
    • Determine what is necessary to lead teams and organizations, and how to integrate this with business management.
    • Develop skills in communicating, influencing and negotiating with peers, subordinates and senior managers.
    • Become adept at assessing leadership traits and qualities in ourselves and others.
    • Learn how to develop leadership in ourselves and others.
    • Appreciate the importance of organization culture and the leader’s role in establishing it.
    • Understand key success factors (KSFs) for successful rollout of Management of Change in dynamic organizations.

  • Strategic Management

Strategic Management focuses on organization as a whole and its transactions with internal and external environment. This course focuses on integrating cross functional component of organization including Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Production/Operations Management, Information System and Economics.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Provide a review of the Strategic Management Framework.
  • Explore experiential analysis to understand the challenges of CEOs and General Managers in competing in the market place.
  • Learn and develop the frameworks, models and tools needed to formulate and implement successful business strategies.
  • Examine how firms compete.
  • Provide work-based projects to help learners in developing practical strategic initiatives based on their unique set of issues, resources and business environment
  • Provide the "know-how" to plan, implement and monitor strategy execution using performance measurement systems.
  • To develop a better understanding of the present and future environments in which corporations must function.


  • Human Resource Management

Today's human resource professionals are managers of change. They must respond to the challenges triggered by new trends in technology, increasing government involvement in the employer-employee relationship, workplace diversity and globalization. In such an environment, the future belongs to organizations with the human resource expertise that can lower labour costs, improve productivity, increase responsiveness to customers' needs, and build employee commitment. The Human Resource Management training at the Centre for Knowledge at Real Solutions (CKRS) is designed to develop this expertise.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Apply strategies, concepts, and practices essential to the effective selection of staff.
  • Create strategic alignment of the human resources function with corporate objectives.
  • Design and structure a human resource management department.
  • Develop strategies for assessing, designing, and implementing training and organizational development efforts to improve individual and organizational performance.
  • Evaluate and design complex compensation and benefits programs to meet organizational needs and challenges.
  • Plan and manage individual and organizational change utilizing established change management frameworks and tools.
  • Understand the legal and regulatory environment related to human resources hiring, supervision, discipline, compensation, and benefit programs.


  • Strategic Decision making

Making good decisions is critical to business performance. This course focuses on how aligning decisions to the company strategic plan and vision will improve performance and add value to your organization. Understand why decision making is important and who it affects. This training will teach participants to make better strategic decisions consistently by applying strategic decision making process using proven tools and techniques developed and tested by experts.
By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Learn the difference between making good decisions and making strategic decisions.
  • Understand how to identify symptoms and how they are supported by paradigms.
  • Learn to develop problem statements and descriptions.
  • Learn to generate more options.
  • Learn various key decision making techniques and when to use them.
  • Gain experience and confidence in using the different decision making techniques.


  • Project Management

The workshop will introduce a structured approach to managing projects in any industry or financial institution. It will provide participants an opportunity to gain managerial practice through the development of projects execution manual for a real life project.

The Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) would be focus of this course. This training gives practising project managers an opportunity to fine-tune their skills and sharpen their project management abilities.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Define and explain project management and project leadership. 
  • Understand and apply the sequential steps of the project management framework. 
  • Understand the importance and function of project management and apply the project process of initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the project.
  • Define the roles of the project manager, the project team member and effectively communicate with the project team, clients and customer (sponsor).
  • Apply knowledge and skills to manage the project scope, project time and work flow, project cost and budgets, project resources, project quality, project human resource requirements, project communication (reports, meetings, correspondence), project changes and project risk management. 
  • Understand the critical people skills needed to lead projects. 
  • Prepare a project charter. 


  • Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Participatory monitoring & evaluation (PM&E) is a process through which stakeholders at various levels engage in monitoring or evaluating a particular project, program or policy, share control over the content, the process and the results of the M&E activity and engage in taking or identifying corrective actions. PM&E focuses on the active engagement of primary stakeholders.
By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Understand the What, Why and How of Participation (Philosophy of Participation)
  • Explore types of Monitoring and Evaluation and integrate qualitative and participatory methods into M&E.
  • Understand collection and Analysis of Information
  • Explore tools for PM&E (PRA, Surveys, LFA, SWOT Analysis, Group Facilitation)
  • Develop Monitoring & Evaluation strategies for your projects.
  • Develop monitoring and evaluation plans in a more participatory manner.


  • Branding for success

The Branding for Success workshop training will get your organization’s branding efforts on track. This workshop is about creating a solid brand image.  You learn to improve brand visibility through coordination, collaboration, consistency, and the effective use of often overlooked branding resources.  You will discover innovative branding methods, learn how to implement best practices for branding, and leave with an entirely new and exciting approach to your branding efforts.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Learn basic laws of Branding, how it works and why it’s so important.
  • Prepare a draft of your brand identity road map - a compelling description of your brand and the key sales messages associated with your brand.
  • Understand Who are we? What do we do? Who do we do it for? How do we position ourselves relative to the competition?
  • Learn a road map for strategically communicating your brand in the most succinct and persuasive manner possible.
  • Comprehend the foundation for implementing and using your brand identity.
  • Understand internal input needed to conduct market research with your target audiences in order to validate the brand identity.


  • Social Media for Marketing

Social Media is now considered as an essential Marketing tool. Social media is altering how journalists and public relations professionals do their jobs and how we communicate in the Web world. With the advent of new tools and plat­forms, more and more peo­ple are connecting, pub­lish­ing and par­tic­i­pat­ing online.

The course is grounded in prac­tice, and you will be required to par­tic­i­pate in social net­works, forums, blogs, wikis, micro-blogs, and more. Class dis­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­tions, read­ings and case stud­ies will high­light new effec­tive strate­gies and appli­ca­tions of these platforms.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Explore basics of the Social Media marketing including the Rules of Engagement and Principles for Success.
  • Learn how to listen and set objectives for your social media marketing including developing a call to action.
  • Develop a social media plan that gets results.
  • How to create a meaningful content plan that allows you to connect with your audience.
  • Learn about the 8 directions of Social Media: Publishing, Sharing, Social Networks, MicroBlogs, Co-Creation, Discussion and Review, Social Media Public Relations and Mobile.
  • Learn how to use key social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Blogs.
  • Learn best practices and case studies of successful social media marketing.
  • How to measure social media so that you know you are getting results.
  • Discover systems and tools to stay efficient in your social media marketing.


  • Financial Management

Financial Management training is designed to provide basic knowledge and practical skills for professionals with effective tools for managing the company's finances. This course will guide a future manager to understand how the finances of a company work, and how they will be interfacing with finance. The key focus is to explore tools for Budgeting, Costing and Accounting.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Activity Based Costing 
  • Advance Corporate Credit Risk Analysis 
  • Alternative Investments 
  • Equity Analysis
  • Industry Analysis for credit perspective 
  • Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Executives 
  • Financial Derivatives
  • Financial Engineering 
  • Financial Modeling
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Fixed Income Securities 

Communication skills Courses

Effective communication has always been a vital factor for an organization’s success.
It is essential for an executive to have the ability to communicate effectively and respond according to the individual need, situation, purpose and role. Proper and timely communication has a positive impact on both internal and external stakeholders of an organization. To meet the demand of time, our communication courses include Business English writing skills, Report writing and delivering effective presentations. The focus is to equip the learner with relevant communication tools and strategies to have a real impact in the organization’s setting.

  • Business English Writing skills

Written communication is a very important aspect of the business world. It facilitates the accountability factor and ensures responsibility of people in the functioning of the organization. Good written communication contributes to the success of an organization. It helps in building goodwill, manage relationships and promotes smooth functioning. The focus of this course is to improve writing skills by learning Editing, Grammar and Punctuation along with practising hands-on exercises.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

    • Explore approaches to inform, persuade, advice the reader and convey the right message.
    • Plan and Organize ideas in a clear and structured way.
    • Write proper e-mails, memos, letters and proposals.
    • Develop clear writing about complex financial issues and prepare more persuasive, focused summaries and recommendations; organize thoughts to present & support key points quickly, clearly & confidently.


  • Report Writing

Report writing is now an essential component of our working lives. Reports are often the principal evidence of our work and the means by which our clients and colleagues judge our worth. This training helps learners to develop their own effective writing style with hands on practice sessions.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Understand and review different types of reports
  • Adapt your writing to your audience’s needs. How to target the reader and use an appropriate tone.
  • Write clear, concise, well-organized reports. Topics include outlining, drafting, formatting editing, and proofreading.
  • Develop worksheet/templates for different types of report
  • Learn the use of visual aids and templates.


  • Effective Presentation Skills

Effective Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Good Presentation skills reflect one’s effort and commitment. This course provides an opportunity to the learner to prepare and deliver effective presentation with confidence and meet the audience demand.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Prepare and deliver effective presentations in a range of situations including Stand-up Presentations, Board Room Presentations, Sitting Presentations, Informal Presentations, PowerPoint Presentations, Teleconference Presentations, Conference Presentations and Technical Presentations
  • Understand and practice the use of powerful gestures, appropriate body language, voice projection, articulation, pace, fluency and eye contact.
  • Learn to persuade through clear messages, use of Power Point and other Audio Visual tools and handling and responding challenging Question.

People skills Courses

People skills play a vital role for professional success; they help one to excel in the workplace and their importance cannot be denied in this age of information and knowledge. Good public skills are now a key requirement in this highly competitive corporate world. We offer the following courses to improve people skills:

  • Relationship Management and Team Building

Good relations are key element to both internal and external component of an organization. Good managers know how to build strong relationships in a traditional manager-led environment. This course offers practical tips to create and maintain relationship and improve team performance.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Understand the dynamics of Team building and Relationship Management
  • Building networks
  • Building effective teams and team synergy
  • Dealing with disagreement and challenges.


  • Change Management

Change is the only permanent thing in this world. Many organizations are making the commitment to build their internal competencies to manage change effectively. Our Change Management workshop will enable executives to understand dynamics and challenges related to Change Management and their critical roles as business leaders. This program is essential for preparing and managing effective change management programs.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Understand the basics of Change Management including proactive and reactive change.
  • Identify the need and connecting Change Management to business projects.
  • Learn how to manage a change by establishing clear goals/expectations.
  • Prepare a Change Management strategy for your organization.
  • Understand how to work with a multi-generational workforce, managing resistance and the steps in the communication process in a changing environment.
  • Develop strategies for reinforcing the change.


  • Conflict Management, Negotiation and Persuasion skills

Conflict management is an important aspect of work life. Conflict arises from differences. It occurs whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires.  An executive is required to have effective conflict management, negotiation and persuasion skills.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts, types and indicators of conflict.
  • Learn different styles of managing conflicts.
  • Deal with difficult people and situation
  • Explore phases of negotiation.
  • Practices strategies of persuasion.


  • Time Management

Time Management is a mandatory skill for all professionals. It is a method to prioritise work, ensure productivity and deliver results as per the commitment. Be it at individual or organizational level, effective management skills ensures commitment and reliability.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Learn the difference between being “busy” and “productive”
  • Learn the time management matrix
  • Understand and apply the Pareto principle (80/20 Rule) to time management issues
  • Comprehend planning, prioritizing, scheduling and goal setting.
  • How to beat the three most common time wasters
  • How to handle interruptions and maximise your personal effectiveness
  • How to say “no” to time wasters and avoid procrastination.
  • How to delegate in the right way for the right reasons
  • Develop your personal effectiveness to get more done in the same amount of time and be self motivated.


  • Gender Mainstreaming

Gender mainstreaming is an international strategy recognized by the United Nations to achieve gender equality all across the globe. Ensuring Gender balance is an essential component to all organizations. This course provides guidelines about creating a Gender balance within your organization there by avoiding any discrimination.

By the end of this course, the learner would be able to:

  • Basics of Gender and defining gender mainstreaming.
  • Learn Gender analysis and Gender integration framework.
  • Explore tools for gender mainstreaming and analysis.
  • Apply gender mainstreaming for projects.
  • Comprehend impact and benefits of gender mainstreaming on development effectiveness.
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